The EDJBA is a serviced based organisation and our continual goal is to provide a support to all participants during their playing career. We are committed to improving our administration and strive to better our systems in order to deliver a high standard of operation.
Competition Structure
- Our competition starts with Under 8’s and continues through to Under 20’s with a majority of our Member Clubs providing playing opportunities beyond this age.
- We run our competition all year round (excluding school holidays) and it is broken into two seasons; Summer and Winter.
- Our Summer season is from October to March (Under 8’s – Under 20’s) and our Winter season is from April to September (Under 9’s – Under 19’s).
- The games are played on a Saturday from 8:30am to 9:00pm with the younger age groups playing up until the afternoon.
- Each game runs for 50 minutes and is always played indoors.
- Games are located at various venues; predominantly within the Eastern Suburbs. Current Venues List
- Each Player is registered to a specific Member Club and they usually train once a week, after school, at their club’s local venue/s.
- The expectation of each player is to play within the EDJBA BY-LAWS and Basketball Victoria’s Code of Conduct.
- A major component within our Association is our ability to fixture games around other commitments for our players and coaches.
- We take into account (where possible) other commitments such as Private School Sports, coaches coaching more than one team, players who coach, players or coaches who referee, and players or coaches who want to participate in other commitments. This process is determined by the Member Club and needs to comply with the Member Club’s guidelines.