A few years ago, these little super
‘s were the face of the EDJBA’s SHOOSH for Kids campaign which can be seen on banners at all EDJBA venues

Unfortunately, the EDJBA has seen an increase in poor conduct. Whilst we understand emotions run high during sport, we would like to take this time to remind all our players, coaches, and spectators that poor behaviour will not be tolerated within the EDJBA.
It goes without saying, without referees, we do not have a competition. Referees are human and are not always going to get it right, however, the EDJBA will under no circumstance, tolerate referee abuse.
The EDJBA would like to take the time to remind everyone of the EDJBA’s Code of Conduct:
𝐑espect all participants and decisions
𝐄ncourage everyone- this is amateur sport
𝐒portsmanship- no abuse tolerated
𝐏lay for enjoyment
𝐄ducate and be knowledgeable
𝐂onduct yourself courteously
𝐓reat everyone fairly
If all members can remember to abide by these Codes of Conduct, the EDJBA can be a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone involved.
Remember, if you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all